190- l’épuration de notre entendement114 – une infinité d’attributs151 – Thought is an attribute of God169 – The idea constituting the actual being of the human mind is the idea of the body028 – We perceive that a certain body is affected in many ways035 – That bodies are not distinguished in respect of substance, is plain both from I. 027 -But the idea can exist without the presence of any other mode of thinking026 – Modes of thinking, do not take place, unless there be in the same individual an idea of the thing loved.036 – It is brought out still more clearly from I. 083 – the human body itself, and as actually existing, therefore the mind perceives thus far only the human body095. Existence belongs to the nature of substances101 – If a thing can be conceived as non-existing, its essence does not involve existence061 – as the idea or knowledge of the human body152 – The human body stands in need for its preservation of a number of other bodies, by which it is continually, so to speak, regenerates155 – By particular things, I mean things which are finite and have a conditioned existence158 – de l’origine et de la nature des sentiments093 – The more reality or being a thing has, the greater the number of its attributes043 – Man thinks